The blobfish are adapted to living in the deep sea where the water pressure is very high. What does the blobfish eat? Thus, they have adapted with a body structure consisting of mainly gelatinous mass and relative lack of muscle. The natural habitat of the blobfish is in the deep sea off the coast of Australia and Tasmania. It was therefore voted as the ugliest creature on earth in 2013. Blobfish Is a Real Name. No. Some experts do believe that the population is endangered by deep-sea fishing and bottom trawling in their habitat. What does the blobfish eat? It allows these fish to control its buoyancy. They, therefore, dilate and blob out whenever they are brought to lower pressures. They then turn into small invertebrates which after sometime grow into big invertebrate before reaching the final stage as blobfish. Blobfish are very unusual looking creatures that can be found in the oceans around Australia and New Zealand. Residing in deep depths of the sea, they must survive in an environment where the water pressure is up to 80 times higher than normal sea level. It mainly lives off Australia and is worried to become endangered, due to overfishing from nets. It is believed that they sit very still on the ocean floor and wait for prey such as shrimp and other invertebrates to pass by. Their diet includes sea crabs, sea urchins, shellfish and mollusks. The reproductive activity consisted of groups of nests with approximately 100,000 eggs each. Its appearance has been described as an irritable, monstrous, and unattractive while others say that it looks extremely disfigured. Some experts do believe that the population is endangered by deep-sea fishing and bottom trawling in their habitat. A 285 mm SL Blobfish (genus Psychrolutes microporos) trawled during the NORFANZ expedition at a depth between 1013 m and 1340 m, on the Norfolk Ridge, north-west of New Zealand, June 2003 (AMS I.42771-001).. c. wings. It is believed that they sit very still on the ocean floor and wait for prey such as shrimp and other invertebrates to pass by. Blobfish normally stay at the bottom of water except if they are dragged out by human beings, normally scientists carrying out research or if accidentally caught by fishermen who use bottom trawling nets.The deep-sea creatures are well-adapted to a life of enormous and crushing pressure coupled by less light. The natural habitat of the blobfish is in the deep sea off the coast of Australia and Tasmania. So, in summary a blobfish, or Psychrolutes Marcidus is an invertebrate living off of the coasts of Australia and Tasmania, inhabiting the same waters as tasty … These nests of eggs were located on deep sea plateaus, in rocky areas. When the sac is filled with air, the fish will float to the surface. Although blobfish are not edible, they are still being caught and dragged up with other marketable fish and invertebrates.Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. The observation is due to its pink skin which becomes loose outside water hence splash out and the fact that they are covered by small spines and not scales like other fish species. As a predator of the deep sea, blobfish prey on other invertebrates by ambush and foraging. THEY INNATE ALL THEIR BEHAVIORS SO THEY CAN REPRODUCE In water. Very few facts are known about the blobfish due to their deep-sea life. When they do, the blobfish would gulp them up. Though not much information is known on their population, it is well known that due to being frequent bycatch (unintentionally caught fish) in fishing nets, they could be declared endangered soon. Once the blobfish is removed from its natural environment, it loses its shape through a process of decompression damage. If blobfish had a swim bladder, it would immediately implode under pressure. Blobfish are commonly found off the coast of Tasmania, New Zealand, and Australia.Most people argue that blobfish is the most loathsome creature that ever existed in the universe.