Father Kharon - Leader of a small order of Jasidin priests who maintain the Green Keep, nestled deep within the Nettleblight Swamp.
Better manage your group and your campaign, and have a better game.
You’ll also want to have a copy of the basic rules for D&D, available for free on our website. That will let people know you’re serious and not just playing with the system.Let people know what game system your campaign is using, and give your players access to any system-appropriate character sheet templates that have been made.
Obsidian Portal allows you to create campaign websites for tabletop roleplaying games. 77IM Explorer!! As a friend of Leosin Erlanthar, he provided support to the adventuring party that Leosin befriended in Greenest in their search for the Hoard of the Dragon Queen. Elizar Dryflagon - A member of the Cult of Eternal Flame, posing as a druid of the Circle of the Scarlet Moon. Hello, I'm looking for Tips & Resources for Running Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat please. Publication history. Create some NPCs Characters form the core of every campaign, so take a few minutes to list out the major NPCs in your campaign. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. While Hoard of the Dragon Queen is a tad light on extras, these magic items are a welcome addition. ters (NPCs). Create some NPCs. The Hoard of the Dragon Queen monster supplement will be available for download on August 8, 2014, at DungeonsandDragons.com. The rest is up to your and your players.JavaScript is currently disabled. NPCS …
A quick tip: The “+” icon in the top right of every section is how to add a new item, whether it’s a new character or adventure log post, or anything else. You should check them out. Accentuate it by creating a top banner image.Characters form the core of every campaign, so take a few minutes to list out the major NPCs in your campaign.A quick tip: The “+” icon in the top right of every section is how to add a new item, whether it’s a new character or adventure log post, or anything else.The adventure log is where you list the sessions and adventures your party has been on, but for now, we suggest doing a very light “story so far” post.
22 new monsters/NPCs with lore and stat blocks. 4. After each future session, create a new post detailing that night’s adventures.That’s it! Characters form the core of every campaign, so take a few minutes to list out the major NPCs in your campaign.
After each future session, create a new post detailing that night’s adventures.That’s it! [2] When the threat of Severin Silrajin 's reformed Cult of the Dragon became a global one, Ontharr was chosen as the leading delegate at the Council of Waterdeep. Just give a brief overview of what the party has done up to this point.
11 New Magic Items. I heard this is kind of a cluster f*** of an adventure, but I already bought it and am running my kids through it so I have to commit. 5. A quick tip: The “+” icon in the top right of every section is how to add a new item, whether it’s a new character or adventure log post, or anything else. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. Father Kharon is a severe man, whose grave and sunken appearance obscure the compassion that he holds for the dead and the dying. Each episode of the adventure contains a “Designing D&D Encounters Sessions” sidebar that talks about Accentuate it by creating a top banner image.Characters form the core of every campaign, so take a few minutes to list out the major NPCs in your campaign.A quick tip: The “+” icon in the top right of every section is how to add a new item, whether it’s a new character or adventure log post, or anything else.The adventure log is where you list the sessions and adventures your party has been on, but for now, we suggest doing a very light “story so far” post.