color variation over time in rock pocket mouse populations quizlet

color variation over time in rock pocket mouse populations quizlet

Explain why a rock pocket mouse color influences its overall fitness.
The animations and short film can be streamed or ordered for free as a DVD.

A ten minute short film, narrated by scientists, showing footage of rock pocket mice in their habitat, their predators, as well explanations of mutations and several short animations, further engages students in the phenomenon.

And at just 15 grams, this tiny mouse weighs about … Write a scientific summary that describes changes in the rock pocket mouse populations at location B. This activity provides an introduction to natural selection and the role of genetic variation by asking students to analyze illustrations of rock pocket mouse populations (dark/light fur) on different color substrates in the Sonoran Desert (light/dark) over time. To determine if the rock pocket mouse population is evolving, explain why it is necessary to collect fur color frequency data over a period of many years. Color Variation Over Time in Rock Pocket Mouse Populations Evolution Revised October 2018 Page 3 of 3 Activity Student Handout 6. Predators of the pocket mice hunt using what sense? Teachers can build on the teacher material suggestion that students work in pairs and ask students to share their thinking and defend their answers in their small groups and to the large group. The short film explains that mutations can cause a change in coat color, and that these genetic changes are being passed on to offspring. Create a bar graph based on the data that shows the numbers of the mice at locations A and B through time. Students then are provided with a section of grid paper and instructed to create a graph based on the data that shows the distribution of the mice at location A and B. A total of six multiple choice questions are embedded at three points during the film. As students work through the questions, teachers should monitor and use questioning as needed to make sure that students use reasoning to synthesize the evidence from the illustrations and short film to construct an explanation about how natural selection provides a mechanism for the rock pocket mouse populations to adapt to the change in their environment due to dark lava flow. Students collect and analyze data about for coat color in pocket mouse populations on different color substrates over time.

The Making of the Fittest: Natural Selection and Adaptation. The more that bred, the better survival rate they had, especially on the dark rock because the prey could not see them. Take a moment and 4. ALLELE AND PHENOTYPE FREQUENCIES IN ROCK POCKET MOUSE POPULATIONS INTRODUCTION The tiny rock pocket mouse weighs just 15 grams, about as much as a handful of paper clips. Your summary should include: a description of how the population has changed over time; an explanation of what caused the changes; a prediction that describes what the population will look like 100 years in … Consider the dark and light colored rock pocket mice. Before starting the activity, it is helpful if the teacher familiarizes students with the rock pocket mouse and its habitat. Their impact on science, however, has been enormous.

This resource is explicitly designed to build towards this crosscutting concept.This activity instructs students to create mathematical representations of the evidence they collected by counting the number of light and dark mice in the four illustrations at two locations, A and B. How did you revise your sequence from your initial idea? Now that you have watched the video, go back to your set of cards and arrange them in the order you think they happened, starting with the oldest. (Cards can be printed and laminated for multiple uses.) Students look at cards showing light and dark mice on different substrates. The rock pocket mouse (Chaetodipus intermedius) is one of 19 species of pocket mice in the genus Chaetodipus. As students return to the four illustrations after watching the video, they analyze the illustrations by counting and graphing the color distribution of rock pocket mice at the two locations (light/dark). A typical rock pocket mouse is just about 170 millimeters long from nose to rump, shorter than an average pencil. While there is a reminder that students should label the axes and give the graph an appropriate title, students are encouraged to decide how to graph the data, and the teacher should encourage students to come up with their own way on how to graph the data. The tips include a reminder that students should place the four illustrations of dark/light rock pocket mice at two locations in order, before they watch the short film. While the short film is engaging, teachers may need to create some interest by talking about rock pocket mice at the beginning of the lesson, as the illustrations by themselves may not motivate students sufficiently to engage in the task of ordering them prior to watching the short film, without being familiar with rock pocket mice.
The teacher can use probing questions about the data students collected and analyzed from the illustrations and the information from the short film, to make sure that students construct their argument based on evidence from their data table and graph, and the information from the short film. Explain the presence of dark-colored mice at location A. This resource is explicitly designed to build towards this disciplinary core idea.Teachers should remind students to use evidence from the rock pocket mouse population illustrations and the short film and animation as they work through four open-ended questions about the change of rock pocket mouse populations over time. An incorrect response results in an explanation of why the answer is not correct and the invitation to try again.

A public display of the students’ work and feedback from peers (e.g.

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color variation over time in rock pocket mouse populations quizlet 2020