... Nhandu, Schioedtei, Panay, Pamphobeteus, Muticus, OBT, Phormictopus, Rufus, Metallica, Striata, Houston, Texas Tarantulas for sale, slings, spider ... Grammostola Pulchra 1 inch - 1.5 inch (Brazilian Black) 90.00. Plus, the feeders are delivered right to your doorstep. Regular Price: $89.00 Idiothele Mira (Blue Foot Baboon) is one of our personal favorite tarantula species.
An interesting note is that adult males lives a lot longer than the average life span of a male Tarantula (5-8 months), males have been know to live for up to two … Regular Price: $150.00 Very limited! Sometimes older hobby material might refer to them as "Red Color Form / RCF Rose-hair", "G. rosea Red" or "G. rosea RCF" There are over 1,000 species of tarantulas varying greatly in size, color, and temperament. Grammostola pulchra Appearance. We are a Charleston, SC based breeder and dealer of Tarantulas, Scorpions, Centipedes, Millipedes, and other Exotic Pets. Some salamanders even breathe through their skin! Add to Cart View Options. MORE DETAILS. Regular Price: $65.00 Native to Negros island in the Philippines this obligate burrower is quick to pounce on it's prey. Grammostola pulchra, Brazilian Black Tarantula Grammostola pulchra, known as the Brazilian Black Tarantula, is prized for its long life, reputation as a docile tarantula, a reduced tendency to kick urticating hairs, and the deep black color of adult specimen. Dark in appearance with pink "hairs" and yellow striping on their knees this remarkably stunning tarantula can grow quite large for a Grammostola, I have had specimens nearly 8 inches in legspan! Please read the details of our guarantee before ordering. This beautiful and unique New World is known for its docile and hardy nature.
We are reptile enthusiasts who believe captive breeding is integral to the future of the market, as it not only helps protect wild herp populations, but is an incredibly rewarding experience that tends to intensify one's passion for these amazing prehistoric creatures. Our delivery schedule can be found below:When you buy a Brazilian Black tarantula from us, you receive our 100% ironclad live arrival guarantee. They attain a pitch black coloration and are without question one of the most amazing pet tarantulas in existence. This species is rarely seen in the U.S. and is one of the most sought-after tarantulas in the world due to their calm and docile nature. We want only happy customers! Recommended enclosure: Terrestrial Juvenile Enclosure .. Golden/Brown Dwarf Tarantula… Currently feeding on medium B. lateralis. Regular Price: $45.00 Currently feeding on small B. lateralis roaches. An excellent bur.. Plus, the feeders are delivered right to your doorstep. $269.99. Regular Price: $125.00 Currently feeding on pinhead B. lateralis. This tarantula is as unique and amazing as the landscape it hails from. Recommended fo.. Sorry, we do not ship internationally (U.S. only). We only list specimens on our website if they are currently in stock, healthy, vigorous and ready to ship. Regular Price: $30.00 Recommended Enclosure: Terrestrial Spiderling Enclosure Kit. Grammostola pulchra is also known as the Brazilian black. Regular Price: $75.00 Grammostola actaeon can be skittish and are sometimes defensive, however they have a mild bite and a.. Brazilian Dwarf Pinkleg (Kochiana brunnipes) 1/8", $35 each This beautiful little rainforest species is quite rare in the U.S. hobby, and represents the only species in the genus Kochiana. For more information on Grammostola pulchra vs. quirogai CLICK HERE or scroll past the husbandry notes ...Brachypelma boehmei is also known as the Mexican Fire Leg. We import, raise, breed, and sell tarantulas. Cameroon Red Baboon spider adults. The sleek design of this tarantula makes it highly sought out by most collectors and enthusiasts. Regular Price: $35.00 These feisty T. violaceous (Violet Tree) spiderlings are feeding on "pinhead" B. lateralis. Brazilian Wooly Black Tarantula 1.5 inches. Beautiful metallic blue spiderlings morph ...Monocentropus balfouri is also known as the Socotra Island Blue Baboon. Our live online include frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts. Regular Price: $24.00 Megaphobema robustum (Colombian Giant Red-leg) can reach lengths of 7-8" This species grows to an im.. Known for it's remarkable black and red contrast as well as it's more docile, yet skittish nature this scrub-land tarantula is extremely hardy.
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