It is more dramatic and more to the point of the lesson if Jesus confronts a completely hopeless situation. It makes it worse, as though they are not only trying to play you, but they are telling you that they think that you are stupid.
If He isn't fixing it, perhaps it doesn't really need fixing, or the time to fix it has not yet come.
No problem, no sorrow, no sickness is beyond His ability to fix it. After everyone had spoken, a little child shouted out... "They nailed him to a cross and Jesus could take it. Both Adam and Eve had a problem owning up to the sin that they committed in the Garden.I know how hard it is to forgive people when they will not even admit that they have done something wrong to you. But as fate would have it, you never know when you are going to see someone again and when you might need him.I remember going to serve a congregation in Northbrook, Illinois, and I discovered that my college Spanish teacher was a member of that congregation. When you cannot see your way through, He can. The question that must be answered is what do in the face of our failure. Give up the notion that the bad things that have happened to you define who you are. They laugh for good reason.
Joseph's brothers, out of jealousy, conspire to kill him and place him into a pit. But I have decided that it is better to let go of that and focus upon what I want to achieve in life.The things that you focus upon become the primary direction of your life. .Mt.
"In my life I have had people try to tie me up, make me think that I am inferior, and talk about me. All of us are sinners and fall short of the glory of God.
Mark makes a point of telling us that Jesus spoke to her in Aramaic, the language of the household, which a little girl would have spoken in her home. The woman with the hemorrhage suffered for twelve long years. We will have to face our share of troubles. Jesus can still fix it. These miracles fulfilled prophecies, and accomplished things that only God can do. Jesus Can Fix It.
We get to choose what we are going to focus upon.We can choose to focus on what has happened to us in the past, or we can focus on where we are headed.Forrest Gump was right when he quoted his mama, saying, "You've got to leave the past behind before you can move on. In Jn.7:37-38 On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.
My Brothers and Sisters in Christ: As we come to the end of the church-year, the Gospels are focusing on the miracles of Jesus. He may allow you to endure it longer than you want.
Give it up. Give up your attitudes.
He may never relieve you of the problem at all! The accounts in Matthew are almost matter-of-fact. And they began laughing at Him. There is no point in even trying, at least according to the common wisdom. They both tell us that Jesus spoke to the girl. In any case, Jesus has already fixed it. He may not, or at least He may not fix it the way - and the when - that you would like to see it fixed. There is nothing anyone can do. Specifically, I refer to the context of To forgive is not just to be altruistic; it is actually the best form of self-interest. It also may wait for a while, until we have all been gathered safely home. What dehumanizes you inexorably dehumanizes me. I cannot say. People might violate us because of lust, because they want something or someone that we have; it makes them feel good for the moment. Forgiveness comes in response to some failure. Matthew is not telling the whole story with all the details, so he simply states through the mouth of the Official that his daughter is dead. Joe Dodd demonstrated that truth after ninety long years of life. While He is on His way, a woman, the one who has been bleeding for more than a decade comes up behind Him and touches Him, believing that if she just touches His clothing, she will be healed. Therefore, we will all fail on some level. He fixed our guilt by taking it to the cross. The end of the world may come that quickly, too. So, when you are faced with something you cannot understand, you know that He can. Brothers were jealous of Joseph because he had a gift that they did not have.
I guess you could say, God fixed it!The Rev. It is enough to know that He has a plan, that He has set a limit to our sorrows and sufferings, and that He has the answer. Nothing stays won. He walks into a scene of mourners. What this gospel teaches is not that Jesus will fix everything, but that Jesus can. That is why Joseph could say what was meant for ill, God has used it for good. Remember, the little girl died! .In this year of Juneteenth, I pray that we choose community and come home to one another.
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