Use the Suction Shot to knock down the locker that’s shaking; for us, it was the middle one. Once here, look out for a mousehole … Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.Luigi’s Mansion 3 Get Key in Twisted Suites 11F Room with Golden BunnyLuigi’s Mansion 3 5F All Gem Locaitons – RIP Suites Use your Poltergust G-00 to suck up one of the cheese wedges and then place it in the middle of the floor of the room. The rat should attempt to eat some cheese at some point. Either way, when you knock down the appropriate locker, the mouse will escape yet again, through a hole in the wall.So, head out of the Billiard Room, and you’ll see the ghostly rodent escape into the hallway leading to the right. Luigi can capture Slim Bankshot with the Poltergust 3000, causing the lights to come on and a green treasure chest to appear. He enjoys everything from large-scale RPGs to small, bite-size indie gems and everything in between.Xur's location and wares for August 28, 2020 - Destiny 2 The problem is that the Luigi’s Mansion billiard room Rat is a slippery little fellow, and capturing him might end up being a bit of a challenge for some players. After you defeat the kitchen Chef boss on the second floor a naughty little rat will steal your elevator button and run away. This will cause it to explode and drop the Elevator Button.Unfortunately, the journey isn’t over just yet, as another mouse appears to pick up the button. There are three stalls for you to explore. What you need to do is run towards it while its eating the cheese and using your flashlight to kill it (press A). So, use the Suction Shot to open the door. Once Luigi arrives in the Hidden Room, he sees several red treasure chests and begins to open them. Once you do that, approach the three lockers in the far side of the room. So, use the Poltergust to vacuum the gold-glowing mouse up as soon as possible or just use your flashlight to commit mass raticide. Mouse then runs away to the billiard room. I hope you’re not squeamish.In one of the grosser moments in the game, you’ll find yourself face to face with a toilet full of rats. They’re gonna start attacking you pretty viciously. When this happens, immediately turn and beeline for the little beast. The Hidden Room is an optional room found in Area Two of Luigi's Mansion. Wait for it to scurry out of the hole and onto the cheese wedge. Recover the Elevator Button from the mouse in Luigi’s Mansion 3 To recover the Elevator Button from the mouse, head from the Kitchen into the Restaurant.