Create your own with pint or quart jars, potting soil and seeds. Best of luck and happy spring! If you’re considering growing herbs outdoors in containers, I suggest using containers with drain holes – or repurposed containers to which you can add drain holes. Making a Hydroponic Garden in Glass Jars. quintessential part of your kitchen décor. EmilyPass The Pistil is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and other affiliate programs such as Etsy, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by advertising and linking to curated affiliate sites.In gardening, as in life, I say, GROW WHAT YOU LOVE. The short answer is I’m a lover of soil. EmilyI was searching around for doing a mason jar garden on my patio for our condo and came across this page. Lots of them!In gardening, as in life, I say, GROW WHAT YOU LOVE. various price ranges, but using inexpensive canning jars is a budget-friendly An First ask yourself which plants you reach for most, parsley, chives, basil, mint…? ... Cilantro is a versatile annual herb that grows easily indoors. These supplies are fairly inexpensive and can be purchased online or from hydroponic supply stores. Options and tutorials can be found by searching online. Couldn’t you just use all perlite and make it a hydroponic system?
Do you think it would help any?Hi Iris, I love this idea — what a good thinking. Growing in glass may present some problems for some varieties or it may be that plants eventually max out canning jars overtime and need to be potted up, moved out or eaten and we’re forced to start fresh. Make Your Own Canning Jar Herb Garden. While I appreciate hydroponics and understand it’s technology that could feed the world, my little world includes soil. Find the things that make you happy and grow them.
In addition to mason jars, you will need some specific hydroponic mason jar garden and determine when to add more water. option. But please plant away in hydroponics – I’m sure with a system as closed as this mason jar herb garden it’s probably less of a battle. Most herbs can be grown in containers indoors and many of the non-woody, tender varieties such as cilantro, parsley, basil and marjoram can thrive in smaller pots, even in mason jars. I’m not sure about planting in jars, can the roots become damaged by direct sunlight if they grow through the soil & up against the jar, I know orchids need a clear pot, but not sure about other plants, I suppose the only way to find out is to try it as I like the idea of seeing the whole package from top to bottom, the layers are attractive too, thank you for sharing this Hi Linda, thanks so much for sharing your story and all your thoughts and ideas on using charcoal as well as growing plants in glass jars. How did the herbs do? the kitchen, but all you end up with are bugs and bits of dirt on the floor. This is a perfect opportunity to learn the unique qualities of each and how they grow. Cilantro grows well from seed and in cooking pairs up nicely with fish, chicken and other meats. The Mason Jar Indoor Herb Garden does not come with hangers, however mason jar hangers are inexpensive and widely available (or you can try making your own!). (I’m fully in on the canning jar craze. I’ll have to try mixing the charcoal with the soil next time — though I have yet to have trouble with this, I don’t see how it could hurt. This website occasionally uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. That said, I’m happy to treat the herbs I grow more like greens, planting little and often for successional crops or cut-and-come-again returns.The beauty of growing plants indoors is they’re under constant watch. Will shells work instead of rock or stones for the bottom layer of the jars?Hi Carrie, thanks for writing!
Environet Hydroponic Herb Growing Kit Set, Self-Watering Mason Jar Herb Garden Starter Kit Indoor, Grow Your Own Herbs from Seeds (Basil, Cilantro and Mint) 3.5 out of 5 stars 11 $45.99 $ 45 . However, as a full disclaimer, I’m still experimenting with this process and, at the moment, expect many of plants I grow in jars to be shorter lived than those growing in larger containers with adequate drainage and aeration. Some may thrive better than others and, while it’s no fun to have a plant die under your care, this too is good information.