It's been fun to build marketing buzz and expose my writing to a new audience, and the team at Radish has been great." We …What are royalties? Good luck with your writing. THIS WEEK’S PRIZE: A free print or ebook of your choice from! Ill let you know if anything comes of my application. Plus I’ve made really good money writing for KW & the host authors do very well. It’s an annual fee and I get shipping benefits that might be worth it, but when I re-evaluate my streaming costs this year, I might drop it.Thank you so much for this! They are working with the host authors on who is signed up as a writer, etc.The host authors who have kindle worlds are continuing with their host duties, but in 2019, Amazon will not be involved in scheduling the releases (the host authors would do that). Our wide variety of stories are published and read in bite-sized installments optimized for smartphone readers. Subscribe today. Thanks again!It does look interesting. Yay!!!! Plus, Changes to Amazon Kindle Worlds It’s worth checking out. Print FriendlyAccording to last week’s issue of WritersWeekly, what illness was Gloria Troyer diagnosed with? Thanks, Sue.Thanks for the excellent post, Jordan. Twilight Vampires from fiction or characters and story lines from a popular TV series, for example), the fan-fic author has no rights to their work. Each has different focus or ways to present their offerings, but an author might find a few options that work for them.Amazon Rapids is geared for children ages 7-12 who have smart phones or tablets. Take a look at our app and see what we publish to get a sense of the format and pace that we look for and feel free to reach out if you have any questions before sending your sample.”Will you be publishing any stories for children or mid-grade?Please respond to the publication directly using their contact info. We have developed original story concepts and detailed outlines for several fiction projects, broken up into ‘seasons’ of twenty 1500-word chapters. It’s geared for a younger audience that is comfortable reading off smartphones, but I would imagine there is room for growth into other genres. Lotus Circle is out? Thanks again!Tapas looked well-established and their app had good ratings. It looks like Radish is somehow affiliated with Red Sun Magazine. So when I merge original characters with the host author’s world, those rights aren’t mine for that new work, as is. Just got home. They’ve scaled their “overnight” deliveries way back and now seem to be only counting business days — your free 2-day shipping turns into 4 if it’s over a weekend. On premium side, readers pay for what they read, but author retains copyrights. This is no different than Amazon’s LOOK INSIDE feature.So it sounds as if there’s a 3 chap intro sample that’s free, then installments come by email or by app in chapter increments that readers pay for. Their refusal to pay a dime for the stories show they don’t care about the authors who write in these worlds. It’s too soon to tell whether the lack of bonus money will lessen the enthusiasm for authors to sign up. With the middle premium offering, if an author deleted their offering to move elsewhere, the reader copy can be deleted from their library. Those copyrights I would keep.Since fan-fiction is a forum where fans write original work but using established characters (ie. I guess if you write fast, you can write as you go, but that wouldn’t be ME.Radish Fiction – A New Income Source for Writers? It’s the copyright property of Amazon because the host author has signed a separate agreement to become a host.Amazon keeps those rights, as well as sub-rights (which is my biggest issue). Considering self-publishing? Every author must make up their own mind on how they sell.Another outlet is Hooked and the story is told in texts and it’s geared to the younger market. It appears to be geared toward horror, but I haven’t drilled into the site yet. Interesting.Also interesting… and I have a friend who’s interested in writing comics. With the proper changes, so there are no copyright violations, a fan-fiction author CAN sell anywhere they want.Thanks for participating in our discussion, Marilynn.Thanks for clarifying their horrifying clauses. If interested, please send a resume and a previous commercial fiction prose writing sample to publisher. I know YOU’D write the hell out of a serialized series.This sounds pretty interesting, JD. Production expense looks minimal, no copyright or subrights tie up & money is paid upon pages read after the first 3 chapter sample. Initial discussions are mixed, but I would imagine Amazon’s gamble will pay off, that many authors will still see a benefit in a group launch and the host authors organizing things. Each world is different.