most comfortable desk chair reddit

most comfortable desk chair reddit

No amount of vacuming/washing gets it clean and the give is almost completely gone. Best chair in existence (in my opinion of course).very nice chair but my best chair is Herman Miller Aeron so comfortable after you get it adjusted to your likening.I second the Embody.

10 year warranty also.How is this chair after a few hours, comfortable enough or do have to stand up afterwards ?Can definitely recommend this. I purchased a DX Racer around 4 months ago, it has great support for my back and head, as well as remaining completely comfortable for 8 or 9 hours at a time.

Thank you!Get a used Herman miller or Steelcase chair. I picked one up a year ago and I don't regret it at all. I like to have my arm rests high and the adjustability of the chair is very nice. They have 40 ffsI recently bought the Ikea Markus chair because I didnt want to spend over 200 bucks and still wanted high back with headrest and so far I am very happy. Herman miller Aeron and Steelcase leap are popular. The Mission Statement: J to jump to the feed. I picked mine up from eBay for about 400.

You can also buy a headrest that screws on.Old steel chairs are frequently shot down as recommendations, but I've been using one for five years. It is comfortable and I can spend hours in it. Only thing was I had to put a blanket over the back mesh because my back was getting cold.I have severe scoliosis as well as needing head support resulting from brain surgery. I have one at home and got work to buy me one. I work from home, so I spend a good 8-12 hours a day in this chair. But whatever you do, try it before you buy it.I personally got a DxRacer a year ago and I can't be happier.I wouldn't go all out on the pricy models, but the entry line chair has been perfect for me. You can get one for $300-400. Same goes for the upholstery.You can get a 1000 chair every decade or two (and it will look nice the entire time), or a 500 chair every 3 years (that will look like shit after a year).How do I set notifications for this post so I can see the replies? By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. /r/buildapc is a community-driven subreddit dedicated to custom PC assembly.

I bought a Maxnomic office comfort and sure its better than my old chair, but My advice would be to either get a mid tier chair or go all out and get a premium office chair. I'm also going to reupholster it in leather.

It's falling apart but still performing admirably.Yeah I got that chair too. (I need a good desk chair as well)New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castFor practical, durable and quality made products that are made to last. The changeable armrest height enables you to maximize your vertical posturing.

Just make sure you find something rated for all-day sitting. Very BIFL. The best part?

Altering the back height and seat depth changes the shape of the chair to fit your desk and body shape. Anyone is welcome to seek the input of our helpful community as they piece together their desktop.Press J to jump to the feed. The total investment should be around $100-$150. Another really comfy desk chair is the Eurotech Ergohuman Mesh Chair. Comfortable and looks clean for barely any money.I highly agree! Much, much less expensive than a new chair, plus it is entirely steel.

IMO the most … Sure, it's no $1000 Herman Miller but I wouldn't rule them out-I got my money's worth.IMO the most important thing is to go try them out. It’s not only one a comfortable office chair it also rates well in the ergonomic office chair reviews as well. I like being able to recline like I'm in a car with the lever when I want to watch a movie. 42 Surprising S That Get The Most Love On Reddit. Very BIFL.Don't forget that you can paint it or have it powdercoated in almost any color you could want. I'm also going to reupholster it in leather.

It has most of the ergonomics of an aeron but is $200.

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most comfortable desk chair reddit 2020