is it bad to walk barefoot on cold floor

is it bad to walk barefoot on cold floor

Some people can walk on bare feet in winter too.I personally would not do it, and I would not let a baby walk barefoot on a cold floor in the winter, or even summer for that matter.I believe that People who have strong organs, and a strong Spleen, and strong Kidneys, strong Lungs and perhaps also, a strong constitution will not get so sick easily.Notice I am putting these in capital letters because these are the TCM versions of the western medical organ system.In TCM the immunity is called the Wei-Qi, but it is not exactly the same. This does not mean to not wear a coat.

Keeping your feet warm will not treat disease it will help to keep you healthy and should be part of a larger treatment plan if you are already ill. Further more, digestion needs warmth to work properly, because digestion is a cauldron pot with the fire underneath.If this is happening in the winter time, when you should be keeping yourself warm, you could get sick. Some just hands and feet while others their whole body. It means your energy should be warm and secure around your waist and light and relaxed above. In my office in Mamaroneck many women complain of feeling cold. For example all of the external pathological factors causing illness are phenomena that exist in nature. Here is a short list of illnesses often associated with excess cold or weak yang qi:  Body pain (knee, lower back, etc.) In this post I would like to mention one thing you can do to protect your yang qi or life force and will  also prevent cold from entering your body through your environment.

These being wind, dampness, dryness, cold, heat, and summer heat.

which often worse in cold weather and improves with application of warmth, asthma, loose stools, menstrual pain, sluggish digestion, fatigue, some forms of anxiety and depression, any disease that is made worse with cold and better with application of heat.

People in China do this on a regular basis. i.e. When excessive cold is introduced into the body it causes functioning of many different organ systems to slow. I have never heard about the hot feet coming out of shoes on the cold floor thing, but I know hot feet from walking across a parking lot into a store with a cold floor is great!

This is written by me, a Natural Health Practitioner who is an expert in Traditional Chinese Medicine.If you wish to find out further information about TCM, and the practical cases involved in cold diseases, please pick up a copy of "88 Chinese Medicine Secrets" by Angela Hicks": How the wisdom of China can help you stay healthy and live longer. By walking barefoot you are inviting the cold into your body. That warmth is called Yang Qi, and Yang dervies from the Kidney-Yang or lifegate fire. You have some condition in your feet that gets worse from cold The floor is cold enough and you do it long enough that the *rest* of your body grows cold. But of course, you are probably correct, it is physical heat energy leaving the body.In all respects, I believe it is all relative anyway.Ever heard of people coming from warmer, very hot countries to North America and feeling cold in the summertime.
Cold mostly enters your body through your environment or through the food and drinks you consume on a daily basis.

To do this correctly you will create warmth and friction.This technique is also purported to bring down the heat from the head to the feet, allow you to sleep better.See a Youtube video below for a tracing of the Kidney Meridian:Chinese medicine practitioners also recommend putting your feet into a warm foot bath with warming herbs. And in many, many forms, and ways, some subtle taking a long time to manifest!See the book: "88 Chinese Medicine Secrets" by Angela Hicks".Acupuncturists often perform moxibustion to warm up the meridians.

Summertime. I had a lot of mucous and was sick for 2 weeks.Experts in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Acupuncturists, Doctor's of TCM, O.M.D. 331 pages. All Rights Reserved The point of entry of cold is the kidney meridian, and a discussion of how cold, and wind gets into the body, causing malaise, feeling stuck with a cold is given. In this posting I will mostly discuss cold because as Americans we expose ourselves to coldness more than any other pathological factor. Why walking barefoot, or with just socks on a cold floor, especially in the winter can cause illness.

It is part of QiGong massage.Warming the kidneys is important because kidney warmth, warms the digestion, by way of the spleenThe one thing I'm not discussing on this web page which is related to how cold enters the body is the whole controversy surrounding what medicine believes about the wind cold entering the body and increasing susceptibility to a cold or flu. Where does all this cold come from? Just remember Photo : ‘205/365 F is for Feet and Freezing’ – by Stuartpilbrow – Courtesy of Creative Commons This is due partially to the way we dress but mostly due to  the way we eat and drink. All are related to a particular season and patterns of disease. Cold easily enters through your feet through the channels of your legs. A cold virus might not take hold. I usually change my shirt right away once I'm finished too. I.e.
This detriment is because the mercury is a very "cold" medicine being released into the body.Please note that this web site IS about HELPING people prevent illness, and heal illness. NEVER WALK BAREFOOT ON A COLD FLOOR! I am a female young adult.

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is it bad to walk barefoot on cold floor 2020