Bougies need a lot of sun & heat – the crown of the tree will provide too much shade. The larger the plant is getting, the more root space it needs. As I noted above in “planting”, angle them towards whatever they’ll be growing on. The flowers are falling off very slowly.
I have no experience with bougainvillea & grow bags but I’ll share my thoughts. If I pull them or shake the tree one of two flowers will dislodge. I am wondering if it would be okay to clip the bougie to the wire instead of threading it, or if you think threading will still work with this size opening. Because you aren’t disturbing the whole root ball, my guess is that it will be okay. My plant has several long arms. Will it be likely to harm the oak?HI NELL So no, there’s no way to prevent them. Any input would be appreciated.Hi Sandy – You are welcome! I used to live in Berkeley in the 1980s. I live in zone 8 so we do get some freezing weather although it varies from year to year. Just allow some room for the stems to grow. The woman at the nursery said it would be fine but I’m a little sceptical. it looks like it's grown straight up and then folded over on itself. After cutting down a huge oak we are left with an extremely hot patio under a pergola. Over 50. NellThank you Talinda! Are the planting instructions the same for here? NellI moved to an older home in the Phoenix valley in 2015. I learned this when I worked at a nursery & did it many times always with success when I was a professional gardener. It would prefer a deeper soaking less often. Cheers to you, NellHi, I live in Houston Texas and have a beautiful variegated blueberry ice bougainvillea in a medium plastic hanging basket. Bougainvillea likes to Is there a way to prevent growth of these “suckers” around the base?Hi there – I also live in SB and just got two boug. We like a variety of color. I have done all of this and the plant itself is very healthy looking and growing, but I still can’t get blooms. Either cold damage, which happened to mine in Tucson in mid-December or damage due to wind velocity. The only ones I’ve seen are from a man in the Philippines doing the grafting. They handle pruning really well & I always did the big pruning of my bougies in late Jan./early Feb. NellHi Nell – I want to plant my bougainvillea in a pot in my covered patio area. I am so tired of replacing plants, and I have always had Boug-ies. I would think that spring would be best. There is some brick issues on the bottom, I thought I could masked. Here’s a post on planting/transplanting a bougie: I really need some advise on my 2 bougainvilleas and i live in Phoenix, I have planted them 2 years ago and they are growing so slow and hardly no flowers, Would it be ok to remove them careful and planted them in full sun? Color still, but small leaves that never got mature. NellI wish I would have seen your video before planting my Bogie. Water it in very deeply.If you want it to grow against a wall or fence, then angle it that way. Every flowering vine I can think of for your climate is going to make a mess. I have doubts about the varieties which grow to be 30′ tall although they should do alright for the 1st few years. All the best, NellWhat if the pots are plastic. I found an affordable ceramic pot 26″ tall with a 30″ diameter. Water deeply to establish in the heat, at least once or twice a week. I sometimes use a garden wire to lead them to where I want to grow, and this can be removed once they've established their position - watch out for thorns still!It may now seem pretty sparse, as summer isn't really here yet, and it's finding its feet - including establishing a good root network, and they can be a little slow after a long winter period. If growing to a length of 28 ft. is not going to be tough on the Boug I would prefer the corner. I’ve found the SDR stays a bit more red & the BK is a bit more on the magenta/red side depending on where they’re growing. I didn’t know I was suppose to leave Bogie in the original pot. I’ve seen smaller wrap around plant pots but not any large ones. then when the roots decide to emerge out of the pot again, they will more or less go down into the soil.Hi Dave – Thank you! I can’t find any info on their root system. So, you might get some flowering. Once well established, they can withstand dry periods & actually flower better under these conditions. The sprinkler system waters once a day & sometimes I put it on twice. NellThank you so much for all the great info on successfully growing Bougainvilles! The trees are over 30 feet tall.Hi Barbara – Growing vines up a tree is generally not a good idea unless it’s a small scale vine.
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