but millet is not that good for them nutritionally so used as treat only. He walks on my porch and looks through the window and calls for me for treats. This is a great place for information, and I’ve been trying to find out everything I can about Guineas since I wound up with one in my chicken flock.The first week of June, I went to the feed store and got 8 chicks (mixed flock), then got 2 more the next week. But the chicken won out and the female Guinea has gone of to another nest.
I am worried that it is by alone. If you keep your guineas penned, feed them store-bought chicken feed (one pound per day for every six guineas). Do you have any screamers? She will acclimate to not being in the flock, just love her.I don’t have a comment, more of a concern.
Just over a month old.put them in a cage in the chicken lot for a few days and then turn them loose shouldn’t have much trouble that way the chicken will be use to them and vice versa by thenThanks for sharing y.Danny! I had a predator issue (I think an owl) when they were still young and now I’m down to just one guinea with the dozen chickens and she seems hearty… doubt a predator will get her at this point. I’m brooding them in separate stock tanks but when they’re 3+ weeks old, could I coop them together?
A week or so after that, I heard a strange call in my yard and went out to find a single Guinea keet (about 2 weeks old, I think)! Or have I spoiled them rotten?Wow, sounds like you feed them on your patio? feet there would be plenty of room for 20 Guineas and about 50 Quail.
Their bond to a mother chicken kind of carries on even after she has left them and guineas remember her as their mum a long time after and guineas as a group flock around her sometimes like they are treating here as some kind of matriarch, They also can tend to do this with the oldest “head hen” of the chicken flock or the cockerel. No roosters.We now have 7 adult guineas, 9 chickens, and 39 pullets/cockerels. I rarely see snakes in the yard now and as a group the Guineas will even challenge quite large sand goannas and send them on their way.
I posted my dilemma on another chicken forum and most people told me to re-home my Guinea, but I’ve also read that sometimes they mellow out.Of course, I’ve been torn and a nervous wreck ever since. They go off into the woods to lay eggs and hatch their young. She disappeared for a while and then reappeared with tiny keets! There are a few articles that may give you some clarity but do realize that this is normal and bound to happen if you an avid chicken owner. Should I separate them? Will the rooster hurt them?There will be pecking orders taking place with a rooster on hand, and the hens may also conduct pecking order but with a rooster it may be more formal. It can get to 0 degrees, but not often and not for extended periods of time.
Fill a spray bottle with water and every time the chicken starts to scream, tell it to stop and spray it with the water. When I am out watering the garden anyway, it is a great time for training. The guineas love grooming some of the chickens of fleas around their heads and chickens stay motionless for some minutes while a guinea fowl checks them over, Guineas love a small amount of millet and premium bird seed as a treat, the more millet content the better. She’s pretty much only in the chicken coop now, and stays inside with them at night as well. When the first baby was hatched he flapped his wings at my dog when she’s got too close to it. To prevent this there is a proper way to introduce your new chickens to a flock.