Title: The Game of Life Instructions and Rules Author: LoveToKnow Subject: The Game of Life Instructions and Rules Created Date: 10/30/2012 12:33:05 PM Most orange spaces represent important LIFE choices that you will have to make.Choose your College Career card: Have another player fan out the College Career cards facedown, then randomly draw two cards. If so, look at the House cards and choose the house you want to buy.If you decide to buy a better one, sell your Starter House back to the bank for the selling price listed on its card, then pay the bank the price on the new card. Use these cards when you choose, but use them wisely. If you choose to return to school, pay $50,000 to the bank.You may choose to change your Career card for a College Career card or you may take a $20,000 salary increase.If you choose to take a new College Career card, have another player fan out the College Career cards facedown and randomly draw two cards. Life Board Game Rules: How Do You Play The Game of Life. Have another player fan out the Career card deck facedown.Whenever you land on a Baby Boy or Baby Girl space, add one "people" peg to your car, collect a $5,000 baby gift from each of the other players and take one LIFE token from the draw pile.If you land on a Twins space, add two "people" pegs to your car, collect a $5,000 gift from each of the other players and take one LIFE tile from the draw pile.Land on one of these spaces and all players get a chance to Spin to Win. Now spin and move again.As you move your car, notice the space colors - they're important!Most spaces are gold. If the number spun matches one of your numbers, the bank pays you 10 times the amount you invested.
Now spin the spinner.If the number spun matches the number you chose, the bank pays you 10 times the amount you invested.If the number spun does not match the number you chose, you lose your investment. The 3D pieces that attach to the board make this different than most board games. Look at the cards and choose one.The card will list your career, salary, salary maximum and taxes due. It's up to the Police Officer to notice when a player spins a "10". If you're short on cash, you MUST borrow from the bank.Before you spin, choose to return to school or continue on the path of life. Pay the banker $10,000 and take any Long-Term Investment card from the deck.It's your choice which one you pick. Since then, many versions of the game have come out. Place the remaining tiles near the edge of the gameboard to form a draw pile.Place all of the Spin to Win tokens in a pile near the edge of the gameboard.Place the multi-color Spin to Win strip along any edge of the gameboard.Separate the cards into six decks (according to the card backs): College Career cards, Career cards, Starter Home Deeds, House Deeds, Share the Wealth cards, and Long-Term Investments.Shuffle each deck separately and then place them facedown in piles near the gameboard.Now deal three Share the Wealth cards to each player.At the beginning of any of your turns you may buy one Long-Term Investment card. Then randomly draw three tiles and stack them LIFE-side-up at Millionaire Estates. The Game of Life rules state that the game is for two to six players. Through extensive research, we bring everything you need to know about board games.Our mission is to produce engaging articles like reviews, tips and tricks, game rules, strategies, etc. If you're short on cash, borrow from the bank.Before you spin, decide if you want to take the Risky path, which contains many Spin to Win opportunities, or the Safe path, and spend time with your family.Add one "people" peg to your car and take a LIFE tile. Decide which one you want to buy and pay the bank the price on the card. Borrow $100,000 from the bank for tuition (see BANK LOANS).When you reach the JOB SEARCH space, stop -- even if you have moves left. If you decide to start a career, place your car on the START CAREER space, then do the folIowing: Draw a Career Card:Have another player fan out the Career card deck facedown, while you randomly draw one card. This ends your turn. Play then continues clockwise.On your turn, spin the spinner. The player with the highest spin takes the first turn. The card will list your career, salary, … Now, follow the space directions. If your salary is already at its maximum, just collect your current maximum salary and ignore this raise.Whenever you reach an orange space, STOP! The Game of Life, which is also known as LIFE, is a board game created in Milton Bradley in 1860.It was first named as The Checkered Game of Life.It went on to become the most popular parlor game in America. If the number does not match, you lose your investment.
Return the cards you didn't choose to the deck.If you choose the salary increase, take two Pay Raises from the bank and place them near your Career card.Before you spin, choose either to take the family path and increase your chances of having children, or to continue on the path of life.Decide if you want to sell your Starter House and buy a better one. If the number spun matches one of your numbers, the bank pays you 10 times the amount of money you invested.If the number does not match, you lose your investment.