( 1 2 3 all) SamhainJ: 6,552: 49: 09/10/04 07:34 AM by Chronic7: which strains produce the best hallucinations? If you like to read it here's the link...But, that is just my experience with that strain.... You just need to experience it for yourself because, everyone is different and different strains can react to people differently. I think it may have something to do with bringing CEVs and OEVs to the same point where they can be viewed simultaneously. Kinda hard to understand now, but if you black out everything, I believe it kicks the mind into overdrive and combines both because my mind thinks I have closed my eyes.I totally agree there Psoulocybe the Thai Lipa Yais are great. From a chemical standpoint, different batches of magic mushrooms have different chemotypes. It has an average psilocybin content of up to 0.85%. As such, you can easily find them in the wild and mushroom producers can easily grow and cultivate them as well. Hopefully this article can help you narrow the down the choice for your psychedelic trip.We use cookies to help improve our services, make personal offers, and enhance your experience. All Rights Reserved. The B+ strain is a large growing cubensis strain. Accordingly, variation in user experience (aka clinical effect) is most likely due to variation in the concentration of those psilocybin derivatives between different samples of “magic mushrooms.” Ex… They are also arguably the most widely distributed magic mushrooms on the planet. saying different strains of species make u trip different would be like if aliens ate humans to trip. But there are also people who are ready for the main course. At The Magic Mushroom Shop we've been listening to our customers, taking notes at the customer service and observed the recent cultivations of our close friends. theyre all the same species. For this article we tried to look at the different comments of our customers and make a general overview of the important factors. No body load, very relaxing body buzz. It is a great mushroom strain for beginners while also being a favorite for advanced growers and has an average to high potency. In “magic mushrooms,” psilocybin derivativesmake up the principle psychoactive molecules. Some people who trip would like to take it easy. It is a slow maturer and grows best with the BRF or PF Tek method. It just so happens that he produced an extraordinary strain that would take over the cultivation community by storm, maintaining the title of the best selling strain since the 90’s. So don't worry if your Mazatapec grow kit is a bit slower. Once it arrives will share all it's wisdom with you!But for the first timers we can surely understand that you would like to be informed. You currently have javascript disabled. This shroom sometimes grows in the pastures and in lawns in the Pacific Southwest. yes, they are genetically different, but let me make this analogy. To be the favorite magic mushroom strain you'll need have the following qualities:P. cubensis strains can be grown in a variety of ways. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality.That's why a completely dark room, absolutely no light, is so important to me. if there WAS such a strain, we'd know it by now. The Mazatapec magic mushrooms still have the wild life of middle America in their genes, so you can expect large flushes with brown caps.With the Mazatapec it's important to be patient.