Here are some real-life examples of how people have healed eye infections and other eye issues with colloidal silver:A colloidal silver user from Canada wrote in, saying:And colloidal silver user “Sherry” from Johnson City, TN wrote to say:Another avid colloidal silver user, from Michigan, wrote to say:Our old friend Gramma Bea Riley from Riley Farms in southern California wrote to say:A reader from Charleston, West Virginia wrote to say:And a very good friend from southern California wrote to say:And a Registered Nurse from Highland, Utah wrote to say:A 78-year old lady from Michigan wrote with an astonishing story about avoiding cornea transplants thanks to her daily colloidal silver usage:Dale W., wrote to explain how he used colloidal silver to eliminate eye infections in his family’s kittens:And finally, Sheila S. wrote to explain how she cured her horse’s bad case of moon blindness with colloidal silver:(All of these testimonials are from real people, and they can be found along with dozens and dozens of others at the As you can see, colloidal silver is simple to use in the eyes, and is powerfully effective.Only a few drops in the affected eye, as many as three times a day, and eye infections seem to be resolved almost overnight!Here’s an interesting discourse between myself and a member of the Dr. Young does not explain the mechanism through which he believes colloidal silver could help cataracts. (I like to use silver to calm allergy symptoms in the eyes.) The body needs colloidal silver to fight disease-causing organisms and to aid healing.
As you can see from the above real-life accounts, there are a number of ways to use colloidal silver in the eyes:Click the image above to learn more about the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator that allows you to make high-quality colloidal silver for It functions like a window that controls and focuses the entry of light into the eye, accounting for about two-thirds the eye’s total focusing power.Staphylococci, or streptococci infections can occur when your eye comes into contact with contaminated objects, or when it’s caught from another infected person. Discard used silver and use fresh silver for the other eye. The conjunctiva is the thin transparent layer of tissue that lines the inner surface of the eyelid and covers the white part of the eye.Also known as “pink eye”, this eye infection can be viral or bacterial, or it may develop due to an allergic reaction to irritants such as pollen, smoke, chlorine in swimming pools, synthetic cosmetics, or contact lenses.Pink eye is very commonly found among children and are highly contagious. Put a couple drops of colloidal silver into each infected eye every hour.
I hope this answers your question.I have Silver Wings 500PPM. According to Robert O.
Is this too strong to use for eye drops. The school nurse called asking us what in the world we had done, because she had never seen a case that bad clear up that quickly.According to Robert O. According to Dr. James Balch, M.D., author of the bestselling book In his newsletter, he recommended a few drops in each eye, several times a day, of 5 ppm to 10 ppm colloidal silver.Many years ago, when our son Ron was sent home from school with Pink Eye, the school nurse called to tell us it was a particularly virulent strain and was going around the school. Before that, a stye can be filled with pus and cause a red and painful swelling depending on its location.Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids caused when oil glands located near the base of the eyelashes become clogged. From my experience, colloidal silver works really well to stop an infection.
Eye infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, allergies or any other irritants that invade any part of the eyeball or its surrounding area. If it is a severe infection with discharge or pus, you may use a shot glass as an eyewash and fill it with some colloidal silver to clean your infected eye.